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Noposion China Business Scholarship


The Department of Marketing has agreed to set up "Noposion China Business Scholarship Fund", donated by the Shenzhen Noposion Pesticides Co. Ltd. to TWO full-time undergraduates pursuing their 3rd year, with their major in China Business. Regulations are as follows:

1. The scholarships shall be known as the "Noposion China Business Scholarships" (諾普信中國企業管理獎學金).

2. The value of each scholarship shall be HK$5,000 per annum.

3. Selection shall be based on the students' performance achieved in the following aspects in the previous year:

  • Academic performance;
  • Proven leadership, organizational ability and other personal qualities;
  • Active participation in extra-curricular activities; and
  • Provision of service to fellow students, institution or the community.

4. A selection panel will be set up by the Department of Marketing in September. A short-list of candidates will be required to submit an essay and attend an interview from which the selection panel will choose the scholarships winners. Nominations from the Department of Marketing will reach the Student Development Services by October / November and the awards will be made before the end of February each year.

5. If in any year no student is found to be of sufficient merit, the award will be withheld.