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Exchange Program Award


The Department of Marketing has agreed to donate five annual scholarships, financed from the discretionary fund of the Department, to the University, with effect from 2003/04. Regulations are as follows:

1. The scholarships shall be known as the "The Department of Marketing Exchange Program Awards" (市場營銷學系交換生計劃獎).

2. The value of each award shall be HK$5,000 per annum.

3. The awards shall be awarded to five full-time undergraduates, with their major in Marketing or China Business. Selection will be based on the following criteria:

  • Academic performance in the previous academic year; and
  • Financial background and needs of the candidates

4. The awards will only be offered to students who join the university's exchange program and are officially accepted by the university and the overseas university to take part in the exchange program for at least one semester.

5. Students will be asked to apply for the award in October each year. Nominations from the Department of Marketing will reach the Student Development Services by November and the awards will be made before the end of February each year.

6. If in any year no student is found to be of sufficient merit, the award will be withheld.