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Undergraduate program | Postgraduate program

- BBA (Hons) Marketing

- BBA (Hons) China Business

Through lectures, seminars, indigenous business cases, company projects, talks by guest speakers, computer simulations and internship programmes, we aim to provide a comprehensive and integrated learning experience to our students.

We stress interactions between teachers and students, and among students, inside and outside the classroom, collaborating to open intellectual avenues that stimulate original thought, inquiry and discovery. Oral, written and electronic communication techniques are stressed. Students are expected to be active participants, not passive receivers, to prepare themselves to achieve their goal in a diverse and heterogeneous environment.

Learning and Development
Our Aim is to develop the student's subject knowledge, language proficiency, analytical skills, critical thinking, leadership and teamwork - all necessary qualities for business executives in an increasingly globalizing marketplace.

  • Technology in Learning
    Digital technology is changing our way of learning. All of our course outlines are online. Many assignments are submitted via internet. Discussions are often carried out via interactive digital media. Class presentations are made in an up-to-date multimedia environment.

  • Indigenous Materials
    We complement subject area knowledge with local case studies on how firms manage marketing as well as China Business issues. Many case materials are written by faculty members in the Department.

  • Interactive Learning
    Many of our class sizes are 40 or less. All of our classes are taught in the seminar format. Experiment, role play, discussion, game, debate and other interactive techniques are used extensively to facilitate effective communications and learning.

  • Active Learning
    We emphasize learning from current issues in Marketing & in China Business. Student are also asked to access how companies perform in their marketing/China business programmes and to propose recommendations to these firms. Their recommendations are evaluated by managers from these companies for possible implementation. Recent projects have involved such prominent companies as AT&T, IBM, Prudential, Northwest Airlines, Swissair, Swire Properties, Jardine OneSolution, The Dairy Farm Group, Wellcome, Mannings, 7-Eleven, Sims, Dah Chong Hong, Delifrance, TCL, Caritas-Hong Kong, Compucon, Amoy, Dow AgroSciences, The Kwangtung Provincial Bank, 廣東萬家樂燃氣具集團公司, 順德希貴集團公司 and 廣東美的集團股份有限公司.

  • Professional Internship
    Through co-operative efforts with the business community, such as, BBDO Worldwide, OMD, Carat Asia Pacific, Grey Worldwide, Euro RSCG Partnership, Mindshare, DYR, TBWA, DDB Worldwide, D'Arcy, DraftWorld, FCB, J.Walter Thompson, Lowe Lintas, Publicis and Saatchi & Saatchi, we encourage students to work in professionally oriented part-time positions in regular semesters and in full-time positions in summer breaks to gain experience and be better prepared for the job market. Some of these positions are made through the Department's internship programs.

  • Summer Study Workshop
    With the cooperation of the University of International Business and Economics of China, we organize a summer study workshop in Beijing for second year students. Students benefit from seminars and case analysis on important current business issues taught by faculty members, and from direct interaction with business managers and government officials through company visits and forums