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Research Strength | Quest for Excellence | Unit for Chinese Management Development | Conferences & Seminars | Selected Publications | Current Research Projects | Working Papers | Case Series

Academic Links

Our department is made up of a team of committed researchers actively working on topics of regional and global significance. We have a curiosity of mind, a capability to work on the top quality research, a humble heart to learn from each other, and an open mind toward co-operation with others. Our research output, grants and academic links position us to become a leading regional Marketing and China Business team.

Research Networks

We co-operate with colleagues from universities in mainland China, the United States and Canada and other countries in joint research projects. We also have an advantage in our survey data collection network in China through our links with, e.g., the All China Marketing Research, the Central Viewing Survey, and Consulting Centre of Chinese Central Television.

Academic Community Involvement

Several of our faculty members serve as Editor or Editorial Board members of highly respected marketing and international business journals. In addition, our faculty members are actively sought after as referees by journals and conferences.

Our faculty members also play major roles in academic and professional bodies, including the Academy of International Business, the Hong Kong Institute of Marketing and the Marketing Association of Chinese Universities.

