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Research Strength | Quest for Excellence | Unit for Chinese Management Development | Conferences & Seminars | Selected Publications | Current Research Projects | Working Papers | Case Series

  Title   Author   Journal / Publisher   Volume / Year
  市場管理   閔建蜀,李金漢, 游漢明,謝貴枝   商務印書館   1982
  市場研究:基本方法   閔建蜀•游漢明編著   中文大學出版社   1982
  Chinese Managers' Attitudes Toward Advertising in China   Richard J. Semenik, Nan Zhou, William L. Moore   Journal of Advertising Vol 15, No. 4   1986
  The Distribution of Interbirth Intervals in Rural China, 1940s to 1970s   Ansley J. Coale, Shaomin Li, Jin-Qing Han   Papers of The East-West Population Institute   Number 109, August 1988
  Chinese Cultural Values: Their Dimensions and Marketing Implications   Oliver H. M. Yau   European Journal of Marketing   22, 5, 1988
  大陸知識份子論政治、社會、經濟   李少民   桂冠圖書股份有限公司   1988
  Mortality Decline and Chinese Family Structure: Implications for Old Age Support   Edward Jow-Ching Tu, Jersey Liang and Shaomin Li   Journal of Gerontology   Vol. 44, No. 4, S157-168, 1989
  Measuring The Fuzziness of Human Thoughts: An Application of Fuzzy Sets to Sociological Research   Shaomin Li   Journal of Mathematical Sociology   1989, Vol. 14(1) pp. 67-84
  China's population policy: A model of a constant stream of births   Shaomin Li   Population Research and Policy Review   8: 279-300, 1989
  China's Population Control and Socio-economic Reforms: The Chinese Dilemma   Shaomin Li   China Report   25: 3 (1989)
  Becoming a Consumer Society: A Longitudinal and Cross-Cultural Content Analysis of Print Ads from Hong Kong, the People's Republic of China, and Taiwan   David K. Tse, Russell W. Belk and Nan Zhou   Journal of Consumer Research   Vol. 15, March 1989
  The Revival and Growth of Marketing Education in China   Nan Zhou   Journal of Marketing Education   summer, 1991
  The Effect of Age Misreporting in China on the Calculation of Mortality Rates at Very High Ages   Ansley J. Coale and Shaomin Li   Demography   Vol. 28, No. 2, May 1991
  Papers of the Center for Modern China   Shaomin Li   Center for Modern China   1991
  中國大陸的改革與發展   陳一諮、于大海、李少民   桂冠圖書股份有限公司   1991
  The Political Economy of Contemporary China 中國大陸的社會、政治、經濟   Shaomin Li 李少民   Papers of the Center for Modern China 當代中國研究中心論文第一集   Vol. 1, Nov 1990 to Feb 1992
  Marginal Life after 49: A Preliminary Study of the Portrayal of Older People in Canadian Consumer Magazine Advertising   Nan Zhou and Mervin Y. T. Chen   International Journal of Advertising   1992, 11, 343-354
  Successful Joint Ventures in the Heart of the Dragon   Maris G. Martinsons and Choo-sin Tseng   Long Range Planning   Vol. 28, No. 5, pp. 45 to 58, 1995
  China's Advertising and The Export Marketing Learning Curve: The First Decade   Nan Zhou and Russell W. Belk   Journal of Advertising Research   November/December 1993
  The Role of Hong Kong-Based People's Republic of China Firms in China's Modernization in Barry Bannister and Andy Chan (Eds)   C S Tseng   Management Innovation, Longmans   1994
  The Process of Internationalization of PRC Multinationals, in Schutte (Ed)   C S Tseng   The Global Competitiveness of the Asian Firms, The MacMillan Press   pp.121-128, 1994
  Survival Analysis, Just as in life, customers are 'born' and they 'die'. Here's how to prevent their premature demise   Shaomin Li   Marketing Research   Fall 1995, Vol. 7 No. 4
  Picking the Winners in Profitability and Productivity   Shaomin Li, Yuxian Gao, and Guangqin Ma   The China Business Review   July-August 1995
  High-technology management in China: A case study of the Shanghai success stories   Maris G. Martinsons and Choo-sin Tseng   Journal of Engineering and Technology Management   12, 1995, 111-137
  Distribution in China: A Guide Through the Maze   Choo-sin Tseng, Paula Kwan and Fanny Cheung   Long Range Planning   Vol. 28, No 1, 1995
  Canadian Matchmaker Advertisements: The More Things Change, The More They Remain the Same   Nan Zhou and Zulkifli Abdullah   International Journal of Advertising   1995, 14, 334-348
  市場營銷啟示錄   冼日明, 游漢明   商務印書館(香港)有限公司   1995
  Use of Causal Models in Marketing Research: A Review   John Hulland, Yiu Ho Chow, Shunyin Lam   International Journal of Research Marketing   13 (1996) 181-197
  The Impact of Current Economic Development in China on the Market Entry Strategies of Foreign Consumer Goods Manufacturers   Choo-sin Tseng, Paula Kwan and Fanny Cheung   International Thomson Business Press   1996
  The Distribution System in China: Past, Present, Future   Choo-sin Tseng, Paula Kwan and Fanny Cheung   International Thomson Business Press, 1996   1996
  Strategy and Motivation for PRC Outward Direct Investments with Particular Reference to Enterprises from the Peral River Delta   Choo-sin Tseng and Simon K. M. Mak   Economic and Social Development in South China   1996
  Foreign Direct Investment from the People's Republic of China   Choo-sin Tseng   International Thomson Business Press   1996
  Unemployment and Psychological Health Among Hong Kong Chinese Women   Julian C. L. Lai, Raymond K. H. Chan, and Chung-Leung Luk   Psychological Reports   1997, 81, 499-505
  The Selection of Distribution Channels in China   Choo Sin Tseng, Paula Kwan and Fanny Cheung   Asia Pacific Business Review   Vol. 3, Spring 1997
  The Role of Self-Concepts of Technical School Students in Their Learning of A Second Language   Chung-Leung Luk and Jenny Lai-Chun Yuen   Psychologia   1997, 40, 227-232
  The effect of Ownership on Performance in Sino-foreign Joint Ventures   Yanni Yan   Advances in Chinese Industrial Studies   Vol. 5, 219-247, 1997
  The 50 and Older Characters in the Advertisements of Modern Maturity: Growing Older, Getting Better?   Scott D. Roberts and Nan Zhou   The Journal of Applied Gerontology   Vol. 16 No. 2, June 1997, 208-220
  Strategic promotion alignment among small New Zealand retailers   B. Merrilees, Kim Fam   New Zealand Journal of Business   vol. 19, nos. 1 & 2, pp. 61-72, [ISSN: 0110-9596](1997)
  Ownership and Control in Sino-foreign Joint Ventures   Yanni Yan   The Cooperative Strategies - Asian Pacific Perspectives   181-225, 1997
  Marketing in an Emerging Consumer Society: Character Images in China's Consumer Magazine Advertising   Nan Zhou and Linming Meng   Asia Pacific Business Review   Vol. 3, Spring 1997
  Influences of strategic approach and cultural disposition on retailers?perceptions of personal selling   Kim Fam, B. Merrilees   Journal of Enterprising Culture   vol. 5, no. 3., pp. 325-340, [ISSN: 0218-5563] (1997)
  Industrial/Organizational Psychology   C. Harry Hui and Chung Leung Luk   J. W. Berry, M. H. Segall, & C. Kagitcibasi(eds.) Handbook of Cross-Cultural Psychology, Boston: Allyn and Bacon   2nd, Vol.3, 1997
  Foreign Investment in the Retail Sector in the People's Republic of China   C. S Tseng   Advances in Chinese Industrial Studies   Volume 5, pages 269-287, 1997
  For Lover or Money: A Longitudinal Content Analysis of Chinese Personal Advertisements, 1984-1995   Nan Zhou, Oliver H. M. Yau and Liqiong Lin   Journal of Current Issues and Research in Advertising   Vol. 19, No. 2, Full 1997
  Control, Conflict and Performance: A Study of U.S.-Chinese Joint Ventures   Daniel Z. Ding   Journal of International Marketing   Vol. 5, No. 3, 1997
  China's Industrial Markets Yearbook 1997 中國工業市場年鑑   Shaomin Li and David K. Tse 李少民, 謝貴枝   City University of Hong Kong Press 香港城市大學出版社   1997
  An Empirical Study of Human Resource Management Policies and Practics in Foreign-invested Enterprises in China: The Case of Shenzen Special Economic Zone   Daniel Ding, Dail Fields and Syed Akhtar   The International Journal of Human Resource Management   1. 8:5 October 1997
  Adventuring in New Terrain:Managing International Joint Ventures in China   Yuan Lu, John Child, Yanni Yan   Advances in Chinese Industrial Studies   Vol. 5 103-123, 1997
  A Content Analysis of Men and Women in Canadian Consumer Magazine Advertising: Today's Portrayal, Yesterday's Image?   Nan Zhou and Mervin Y. T. Chen   Journal of Business Ethics   16: 485-495, 1997
  華夏文化之管理理念   游漢明主編   香港城市大學商學院華人管理研究中心編輯出版   1997
  Understanding Diversification in a Transition Economy: A Theoretical Exploration   Shaomin Li, Mingfang Li and J. Justin Tan   Journal of Applied Management Studies   Vol. 7, No. 1, 1998
  Success in China's Industrial Market: An Institutional and Environmental Approach   Shaomin Li   Journal of International Marketing   Vol. 6, No. 1, 1998, Pg. 56-80
  Exploring the relevance of strategic promotion management approach among small independent retailers   Kim Fam, B. Merrilees   International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management   vol. 26, no. 9, pp.354-361, [ISSN: 0959-0552] (1998)
  Cultural values and personal selling: a comparison of Australian and Hong Kong retailers' promotion preferences   Kim Fam, B. Merrilees   International Marketing Review   vol. 15, no. 4, pp. 246-256, [ISSN: 0265-1335] (1998)
  外商在中國零售業的直接投資   曾自信 ,沙振權 , 陳洁光主編的"中國連鎖經營的理論與實踐"   華南理工大學出版社   Oct 1998, pp. 80-84
  中國的改革與工商經營   李少民,何小鋒, 游漢明   香港城市大學出版社   1998
  Views from Inside and Outside: Integrating EMIC and ETIC insights About Culture and Justice Judgment   Michael, W. Morris, Kwok Lueng, Daniel Ames and Brain Lickel   Academic of Management Review   1999, 24, 4, p781-796
  The Impact of Order and Mode of Market Entry on Profitability and Market Share   Yigang Pan, Shaomin Li and David K. Tse   Journal of International Business Studies   30, 1 (First Quarter 1999): 81-104
  Technology Tranfer to China Environmental Considerations And Emerging Management Practices   Maris G. Martinsons and Choo-sin Tseng   Lane Kelley/ Yadong Luo (eds) China 2000 Emerging Business Issue   1999, p189-215
  Small and medium sized retailers' promotion strategies in the Asia Pacific Region - a comparative study   Kim Fam, B. Merrilees   Journal of Enterprising Culture   vol. 7, no. 2, pp 179-196 [ISSN: 0218-4958] (1999)
  Performance of foreign enterprises in China: the impact of order and mode of market entry   Yigang Pan, Shaomin Li, David K. Tse   Journal of International Business Studies   (30) 1, 81-104. 1999
  Managerial and Organizational Learning in Chinese Firms   Yanni Yan   Asia Pacific Business Review   1999 spring, 5, p.181-203
  Location, Location, Location   Amy Yingli Liu, Shaomin Li and Yuxian Gao   The China Business Review   March - April 1999
  Investment and control in international Joint Ventures: The Case of China   John Child and Yanni Yau   Journal of World Business   1999, 34 (1), p3-15
  Internation Joint Ventures in China: Ownership, Control and Performance   Yanni Yan   Macmillan   1999 Oct
  Inter-regime Marriage and Mobility: the case of mainland China and Taiwan   Edward Jow-Ching Tu and Shaomin Li   Journal of Contemporary China   (1999), 8 (22), 499-516
  Institutional Change and Firm Performance   Shaomin Li   Andrew Nathan, Zhaohui Hong, and Steven Smith (eds.), Dilemmas of Reform in Jiang Zemin's China, Boulder Colorado - Lynner Renner Publishers   1999
  Influence of Chinese Cultural Values on Consumer Behavior: A Proposed Model of Gift-Purchasing Behavior in Hong Kong   Oliver H. M. Yau, T. S Chan and K. F. Lau   Journal of International Consumer Marketing   Vol. 11, No. 1 1999 pp. 97-116
  Factors in winning accounts: the views of agency account directors in New Zealand   Kim Fam, D. Waller   Journal of Advertising Research   May-June, vol. 39, no. 3, pp. 21-32 (1999)
  Effective methods of managing retail "sales"   B. Merrilees, Kim Fam   The International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research   vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 81-92, [ISSN: 0959-3969] (1999)
  Developing a Chinese Vocabulary Test as a Wais-R Subtest for Adult in Hong Kong   David Wu Chan, Hing Chu B. Lee and Chung Leung Luk   Psychologia   1999, 42, p.89-100
  Advertising agency research capability as a factor determining agency selection   Kim Fam, B. Merrilees   Australasian Journal of Market Research   vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 13-24, [ISSN: 002-882 635] (1999)
  Two decades' of research on marketing in China: A review and an assessment of journal publications   Ming Ouyang, Dongsheng Zhou, Nan Zhou   Journal of Global Marketing   Vol. 14 (2000), pp. 187-201
  Twenty Years of Research on Marketing in China: A Review and Assessment of Journal Publications   Ming Ouyang, Dongsheng Zhou, Nan Zhou   Journal of Global Marketing   14, (1/2), pp. 187-201, 2000
  The Road to Capitalism: Competition and Institutional Change in China   Shaomin Li and Shuhe Li and Wei Ying Zhang   Journal of Competitive Economics   2000, 28, p269-292
  The Impact of Job Related Stresses on Job Tension and Job Satisfaction: A Cross National Comparsion of Hong Kong and Australian Managers   Leo Yat Ming Sin, Oliver Hon Ming Yau, and Danny Wai Lam Cheng   International Journal of Management   2000 june, 17, 2, p231
  The Economics of Guanxi   Shuhe Li, Shaomin Li   China Economic Quarterly   Q1, 40-42 2000
  Relationship Marketing the Chinese Way   Oliver H.M Yau, Jenny S.Y. Lee, Raymond P.M Chow, Leo Y.M Sin, and Alan C.B.Tse   Business Horizons   2000, Jan-Feb
  Product and Process Certification: Systems, Regulations and International Marketing Strategies   Ilan Vertinsky and Dongsheng Zhou   International Marketing Review   2000, Vol 17, No. 3, p. 231-252
  Personality Correlates of Loving Styles among Chinese Students in Hong Kong   Wendy W.N. Wan, Chung Leung Luk and Julian C.L. Lai   Personality and Individual Differences   2000, 29, p.169-175
  Military Doctrine in Crisis Management: Three Beverage Contamination Cases   Alex S. L. Tsang   Business Horizons   2000, September-October, p. 65-73
  Methodological Issues in Psychological Research on Culture   Fons J. R. Van De Vijver and Kwok Leung   Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology   2000, 31, 1, p.33-51
  Market Orientation and Business Performance: An Empirical Study in Mainland China   Leo Sin, Alan Tse, Oliver Yau, Jenny Lee, Raymond Chow, Lorett Lau   Journal of Global Marketing   Vol. 14 (3) pp. 5, 2000
  Is Relationship Marketing for Everyone?   Oliver H.M. Yau, Peter R. McFetridge, Raymond P.M. Chow, Jenny S.Y. Lee, Leo Y.M. Sin and Alan C.B. Tse   European Journal of Marketing   2000, Vol. 34, No. 9/10, p.1111-1127, 2000
  Housing Choice Behavior of Urban Workers in China's Transition to a Housing Market   Yuming Fu, David Tse, Nan Zhou   Journal of Urban Economics   47, 61-87, 2000
  Effects of the Value Chain in International Joint Ventures: The Case of the Electronic and FMCG Sectors   Yanni Yan, John Child   Journal of Global Marketing   Vol. 14, No. 1/2 37-55, 2000
  Cultural values and advertising in Malaysia   D. Waller, Kim Fam   Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics   Vol. 12, no. 1, pp.3 - 16. [ISSN: 0954-7517] (2000)
  Consistency in Choice of Social Referent   Chung Lueng Luk, Wendy W. N Wan and Julian C. L Lai   Psychological Report   2000, 86, p.925-934
  Attracting new clients - a New Zealand ad agency perspective   Kim Fam, D. Waller   Journal of Promotion Management   vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 85-99. [ISSN: 1049-6491] (2000)
  虛擬的偶像 - "古墓奇兵" 夢拉對市場營銷業的啟示   曾仕龍   Nankai Bsuiness Review   No. 5, 44-47, 2000
  What Do Excellent Service Promoters Do Differently?   Kim Shyan Fam, Bill Merrilees   The Service Industries Journal   Vol. 21, no. 4., pp.1-16. [ISSN: 0264-2069] (2001)
  What do Excellent Service Promoters Do Differently   Fam, Kim Shyan, Merrilees, Bill   The Service Industries Journal   21, (4),2001
  The Organizational Choice of Human Resource Management Practices: A Study of Chinese Enterprises in Three Cities in the PRC   Daniel Ding, Syed Akhtar   International Journal of Human Resource Management   Vol. 12 No. 6 , 2001
  The importance of investors' resources in international joint venture decision-making: the control perspective   Yanni Yan   British Academy of Management   September 5-7. UK 2001
  The Impact of Economic Reform on The Role of Trade Unions in Chinese Enterprises?   Daniel Ding, Ge Lan, Malcolm Warner   International Journal of Human Resource Management   Special Issue, 2001
  The Hysterisis Phenomena in Marketing in China : A Review and Assessment of Journal Publications 市場營銷中的磁滯現象   Guijun Zhuang, Nan Zhou, Ming Ouyang 莊貴軍, 周南, 歐陽明   Journal of Beijing Institute of Business (Social Science) 北京商學院學報(社會科學版)   Vol. 16, No. 1, Jan 2001
  The Customers' Behavior in the Shopping Center: An Investigation, Comparison and Validation 購物中心的顧客行為:調查、比較與驗証   Guijun Zhuang, Nan Zhou, Fuan Li, Shilong Zeng 莊貴軍, 周南, 李福安, 曾仕龍   Management World 【管理世界】   (1), 181-188, 2001
  The Challenge of Chinese Management: The Empirical Test of Indigenous Chinese Management Research - The Chinese Management Centre   Oliver Yau   City University of Hong Kong   2001
  Taking the Pulse of Internet Pharmacies: Online Consumers Speak Out on Pharmacy Services   Zhilin Yang, Robin T. Peterson, Lily Huang   Marketing Health Services   21 (Summer), 4 ?0 (2001)
  Strategic Location decisions in a growing market   Dongsheng Zhou, Ilan Vertinsky   Regional Science and Urban Economics   31 (2001) 523-533
  Promotion Practices in the East and West: A Cultural Explanation   Fam, Kim Shyan   Journal of International Marketing and Exporting   6, (2),2001
  New Form Of Chinese Human Resource Management? Personnel And Labour - Management Relations In Chinese Township And Village Enterprises: A Case-Study Approach?   Daniel Ding, Ge Lan, Malcolm Warner   Industrial Relations Journal   Vol.32, Iss.4., 2001
  National and Transnational effects in International Business : Indications from Sino-Foreign Joint Ventures   John Child, Yanni Yan   Management International Review   Vol. 41, 2001/1, 53-75
  Knowledge Management: The Key to Success in the 21st Century   Oliver Yau   City University of Hong Kong   2001
  Journal of Chinese Management Case Studies, Spring 2000 - The Chinese Management Research Centre   Oliver Yau   City University of Hong Kong   2001
  International Marketing Serials: A Retrospective   Hyman, Michael R. and Zhilin Yang   International Marketing Review   18 (6), 2001
  Indigenous Management Research in Chinese Society - The Chinese Management Research Centre   Oliver Yau   City University of Hong Kong   2001
  Improving the quality of the credit authorization process: quantitative approach   W.K. Leung & K.K. Lai   International Journal of Service Industry Management   Vol. 12 No. 4, 2001
  Gender Attitudes Towards the Advertising of Controversial Products in China   Waller, D. and Fam, Kim Shyan   Journal of interdisciplinary Gender Studies   6.2, Dec 2001
  Female Role Orientation and Consumption Values:Some Evidence from Mainland China   Leo Sin, Oliver Yau   Journal of International Consumer Marketing   Vol. 13 (2), 2001
  Ethical Dilemmas of Relationship Building in China   R S Snell, C S Tseng   Thunderbird International Review   Vol. 43(2) 171-200 , March-April 2001
  Differing Views and Use of Integrated Marketing Communications - Findings from a Survey of New Zealand Small Businesses   Fam, Kim Shyan   Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development   8, (3), 2001
  Conflict Management Training in China   Dean Tjosvold, Daniel Ding   Journal of Teaching in International Business   Vol. 12, No. 2, 2001
  Client-Agency Relationships: An Empirical Study of the New Zealand Small Advertisers' Views of Agency Services   Gray, Vaughan R, and Fam, Kim Shyan   Journal of Promotion Management   7, (1/2), 2001
  Chinese Women At the Crossroads: An Empirical Study On Their Role Orientations and Consumption Values in a Chinese Society   Leo Y. Sin, Stella So Oliver Yau, Kenneth Kwong,   Journal of Consumer Marketing   Vol 18 Issue 4, 348-367, 2001
  China's Labour-Management System Reforms (1978-1999)   Daniel Ding, Malcolm Warner   Asian Pacific Journal of Management   Vol. 18 No. 3, 2001
  A New Form of Chinese Human Resource Management? Personnel and Labour-management Relations in Chinese Township and Village Enterprises: A Case-study Approach   Ding, D.Z., #L. Ge, and M. Warner   Industrial Relations Journal   32, (4), 2001
  A Comparative Study of Mall Shoppers' Behavior in China, Chile, and the United States   Zhuang, Guijun, Nan Zhou, and Fuan Li   Nankai Business Review   (6, December), 2001
  The Quality Dimensions of Internet Retail Food Purchasing: A Content Analysis of Consumer Compliments and Complaints   Yang, Zhilin and Robin T. Peterson   Journal of Foodservice Business Research   5 (2), 2002
  The effect of relationship marketing orientation on business performance in a service-oriented economy   Sin, Leo Y. M., Tse, Alan C. B., Yau, Oliver H. M., Lee, Jenny S.Y., and Chow, Raymond   The Journal of Services Marketing   16 (7), 2002
  The Conceptualization of Customer Delight: A Research Framework   #Kwong, Kenneth and Oliver H. M. Yau   Asia Pacific Management Review   Vol. 7, No.2, 2002
  Strategic Trade Policy with Endogenous Choice of Quality and Asymmetric Costs   Dongsheng Zhou, Barbara J. Spencer, Ilan Vertinsky   Journal of International Economics   56 (2002) 205-232
  Scale Economies of Department Stores: The People's Republic of China   Zhuang, Guijun, Nan Zhou, and Neil Herndon   International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research   12 (1, January), 2002
  Retail promotion objectives: lessons from New Zealand, Portugal and Hungary   Fam, K. S., Merrilees, B., Brito, P. and Lazslo, J   Journal of Euromarketing   vol. 11, no. 4,2002
  Responses to Global & Local Appeals in Chinese Television Advertising   Belk, Russell W. and Nan Zhou   Asia Pacific Advances in Consumer Research   Vol. 5, 2002
  Relationship marketing orientation: scale development and cross-cultural validation   Sin, Leo Y. M., Tse, Alan C. B., Yau, Oliver H. M., Chow, Raymond P. M., and Lee, Jenny S. M   Journal of Business Research   Nov 2002
  Predicting the Performance of International Joint Ventures: An Investigation in China   John Child and Yanni Yan   Journal of Management Studies   40(2), 2002
  Personality and normative influences on online shopping behaviour   Luk, C.L.   Asian Pacific Advances in Consumer Research   Vol. 5,2002
  Offence to advertising of controversial products: a study of gender attitudes in China and Malaysia   Waller, D. and K. S. Fam   Journal of Asia Pacific Marketing   vol. 1, no. 1, 2002
  Moral Judgement and Conflict Handling Styles among Chinese in Hong Kong and PRC   Chow, I.H. and D.Z. Ding   Journal of management Development   21(9), 2002
  Mental accounting among Chinese consumers   Luk, C.L.   Asian Journal of Marketing   8 (2),, 2002
  Knowledge Management   Yau, Oliver H.M.   CityU, Unit for Chinese Management Development   2002
  Institutional Forces and Organizational Culture in China: Effects on Change Schemas, Firm Commitment and Job Satisfaction   Lau, C M, Tse D K., and Nan Zhou   Journal of International Business Studie   33 (3), 2002
  In Search of Complementarity   Oliver H. M. Yau and #Raymond P. M. Chow   Asia Pacific Management Review   Vol 7, No. 1, 2002
  Estimating Marketing Persistence on Sales of Consumer Durables in China   Ming Ouyang, Dongsheng Zhou Nan Zhou   Journal of Business Research   55 (2002) 337-342,
  Consumer Perception of e-Service Quality: From Internet Purchaser and No-Purchaser Perspectives   Yang, Zhilin and Minjoon Jun   Journal of Business Strategies   19 (1), 2002
  Can Protectionist trade measures make a country better off? A study of VERs and minimum quality standards   Dongsheng Zhou, Ilan Vertinsky   Journal of Business Research   55 (2002) (227-236)
  An Analysis of Strategic Determinants, Learning and Decision-Making in Sino-British Joint Ventures   Yan Yanni   British Journal of Management   Vol. 13, 2002
  A Reader Response Analysis of Global and Local Appeals in Chinese Consumer Advertising   Belk, Russell W. and Nan Zhou   Advances in Consumer Research   Vol. 29, 2002
  A Paradox of Price-Quality Schema and Market Efficiency: A Comparative Study of the U.S. and China Markets   ZHOU, Zheng, Chenting Su, and Yeqing Bao   International Journal of Research in Marketing   19 (4), 2002
  A Comparison of Mall Shoppers Who Purchase Large Amounts and Small Amounts   Zhuang, Guijun, Nan Zhou, and Fuan Li   Business Economics and Administration   (4, April), 2002
  A Comparison of Estimators of an Arithmetic Process Using Simulation   K.N.F. Leung, K.K. Lai & W.K. Leung   International Journal of Simulation and Modeling   Vol 22, No. 3, 2002
  營銷渠道管理   徐蔚琴,謝國娥及曾自信編著   Organization Studies   Vol 23, issue 3, June., 2002
  Universal sex differences in the desire for sexual variety: tests from 52 nations, 6 continents, and 13 islands   International Sexual Descriptor Project & Luk, C.L.   Journal of Personality and Social Psychology   85 (1), 2003
  The Transforming Structure of Competition in China's Retail Industry   Zhuang Guijun, Neil C. Herndon and Nan Zhou   Journal of Marketing Channels   vol. 11 (1), 2003
  The Effects of Attitudinal and Demographic Factors on Intention to Buy Pirated CDs: The Case of Chinese Consumers   #Kwong, Kenneth K., Oliver H M Yau, Lee, Jenny S.Y., Sin, Leo Y.M. and Tse, Alan C.B.   Journal of Business Ethics   Vol. 47, 2003
  Service Quality Dimensions of Internet Retailing: An Exploratory Analysis   Yang, Zhilin, Robin T. Peterson, and Shaohai Cai   Journal of Services Marketing   17 (7), 2003
  Performance of high-tech firms' resource and capability-based development: knowledge acquisition, organizational utilization and management involvement   Yan, Yanni and Jing A. Zhang   International Journal of Business Studies   Vol. 11, No. 1, 2003
  Market orientation and business performance in a Chinese business environment   Tse, Alan C.B., Sin, Leo Y.M., Yau, Oliver H. M., Lee, Jenny S.Y. and Chow, Raymond   Journal of Business Research   Vol. 56, No. 3, 2003
  Market orientation and business performance : A comparative study of firms in mainland China and Hong Kong   Sin, Leo, Y.M., Tse, Alan, C.B., Yau, Oliver H. M., Chow, Raymond and Lee, Jenny S.Y.   European Journal of Marketing   Vol. 37 No. 5/6, 2003
  Long-term Effects of Television Advertising on Sales of Consumer Durables and Non-durables   Zhou, Nan, Dongsheng Zhou and Ming Ouyang   Journal of Advertising   Vol. 32, No. 2, 2003
  Internationalization of Enterprises from Guangdong   Tseng, C S   Guangdong: Preparing for the WTO Challenge   2003
  Images of the Virtuous Employees in China's Transitional Economy   Snell R and Tseng, CS   Asia Pacific Journal of Management   Vol 20, Issue No. 3, 2003
  I Read About It Online... Web-based Product Reviews Provide a Wealth of Information for Marketers   Yang, Zhilin and Robin T. Peterson   Marketing Research   15 (4), 2003
  Face Consciousness and Risk Aversion: Do They Affect Consumer Decision-Making?   Bao, Yeqing, Zheng Zhou, and Chenting Su   Psychology & Marketing   20 (8), 2003
  Does Nationalist Appeal Affect Chinese University Students's Product Evaluation? A Conjoint Analysis   Ouyang, Ming, Hongxia Zhang, and Nan Zhou   Asian Journal of Marketing   Vol.9, No.1, 2002/2003
  Does Human Resource Management Matter in A Transitional Economy?- China as an example   Law, Kenneth S., David K. Tse, and Nan Zhou   Journal of International Business Studies   Vol. 34, No. 3, May 2003
  Branding universities in Asian markets   Gray, B., K. S. Fam and Llanes, V   Journal of Product and Brand Management   vol. 12, issues 1 & 2, 2003
  Are men universally more dismissing than women? Gender differences in romantic attachment across 62 cultural regions   International Sexual Descriptor Project & Luk, C.L.   Personal Relationships   10 (3), 2003
  Advertising of offensive products: a challenge for marketing in China   Waller, D. and Fam, K. S.   Asian Journal of Marketing   Vol. 9, no. 1, 2002/2003
  A Temporal Dynamic Model of Spousal Family Purchase Decision Behavior   Su, Chenting, Edward F. Fern, and Keying Ye   Journal of Marketing Research   40 (3), 2003
  A Pacific Rim Debut: Shoppers in China and Chile   Li, Fuan, J. A. F. Nicholls and Nan Zhou   Journal of Marketing and Logistics   Vol. 15, No. 1/2, 2003
  A Comparison of Shopping Behavior in Xi'an and Hong Kong Malls: Utilitarian versus Non-Utilitarian Shoppers   Tsang, Alex, Guijun Zhuang, Fuan Li and Nan Zhou   Journal of International Consumer Marketing   vol. 16 (1), 2003
  A comparative study of human resource management practices in international joint ventures: the impact of national origin   Yan, Yanni   International Journal of Human Resource Management   14/4, June, 2003
  The Relationship between Power and Dependence in Marketing Channels: A Chinese Perspective   Zhuang, Guijun and Nan Zhou   European Journal of Marketing   Vol. 38, No. 5/6, 2004
  Performance Analysis of Assembly Systems with Highlift Stations : A Practical Approach   Leung, John W K and Lai K K   International Journal of Computers and Industrial Engineering   Vol 46, No. 2, 2004
  Patterns and Universals of Mate Poaching Across 53 Nations: The Effects of Sex, Culture, and Personality on Romantically Attracting Another Person's Partner   International Sexual Descriptor Project & Luk C. L.   Journal of Personality and Social Psychology   86 (4), 2004
  Market Orientation and Business Performance in the PRC : A Regional Comparison   Sin, Leo Y.M., Tse, Alan C. B., Yau, Oliver H. M., Lee, Jenny S. Y., and #Chow, Raymond P. M.   Journal of Global Marketing   17 (2/3) , 2004
  Investors' resource commitments and information reporting systems: control in international joint ventures   Yan, Yanni and John Child   Journal of Business Research   (57), 2004
  Interlinear or Inscription? - A Comparative Study of Chinese and American Mall Shoppers' Behavior   Li, Fuan, Nan Zhou, J. A. F. Nicholls, Guijun Zhuang and Carl Kranendonk   Journal of Consumer Marketing   Vol. 21, No.1, 2004
  Evolution of Organizational Governance and Human Resource Management in China's Township and Village Enterprises   Ding, Daniel, Lan Ge and Malcolm Warner   International Journal of Human Resource Management   15 (4), 2004
  Conflict Values and Team Relationships: Conflict's Contribution to Team Effectiveness and Citizenship in China   Tjosvold, Dean, Chen Hui and Daniel Ding and Junchen Hu   Journal of Organizational Behavior   24 (1), 2004
  Changing roles and values of female consumers in China   Lee, Jenny S. Y., Yau, Oliver H. M., #Chow, Raymond P. M., Sin, Leo Y.M. and Tse, Alan C. B   Business Horizons   47 (3), 2004