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Research Strength | Quest for Excellence | Unit for Chinese Management Development | Conferences & Seminars | Selected Publications | Current Research Projects | Working Papers | Case Series

Serial Number   Author(s) and Title
MKT05-01-0   Zhilin Yang, Daniel Ding and Minjoon Jun, "Consumer Perceptions of E-Service Convenience: An Exploratory Study"
Serial Number   Author(s) and Title
MKT04-01-0   Zhilin Yang and Xiang Fang, "Online Service Quality Dimensions and Their Relationships with Satisfaction: A Content Analysis of Customer Reviews of Securities Brokerage Services"
MKT04-02-0   Zhilin Yang, Shaohan Cai, Zheng Zhou and Nan Zhou, "Development and validation of an instrument to measure user perceived service quality of information presenting Web portals"
MKT04-03-0   Zhilin Yang and Robin Peterson, "Understanding and Utilizing Online Customer Feedback: An Evaluation"
MKT04-05-0   Alex S. L. Tsang and Nan Zhou, "Newsgroup Participants as Opinion Leaders and Seekers in Online and Offline Communication Environments: An Empirical Study"
MKT04-06-0   Yanni Yan, John Child and Simon Kwai-ming Mak, "Analyzing Managerial Discretion of International Joint Ventures: Compensation, Resource Investments and Supporting Infrastructure"
MKT04-07-0   Yanni Yan, "An Empirical Examination of Business Reinvestments in International Joint Ventures: The Effective Use of Subsidiary Management"
Serial Number   Author(s) and Title
MKT03-01-0   Yanni Yan and Daniel Z. Ding, "Decision Control and Market Performance: An Empirical Study of High-Tech Firms' Nationwide Business"
MKT03-02-1   Nan Zhou, Dongsheng Zhou and Ming Ouyang, "Long-Term Effects of TV Advertising on Sales of Consumer Durables and Non-Durables: The Case of China"
MKT03-03-1   Fuan Li, Nan Zhou, J. A. F. Nicholls, Guijun Zhuang and Carl Kranendonk, "Interlinear or Inscription? - A Comparative Study of Chinese and American Mall Shoppers' Behavior"
MKT03-04-0   Kim Shyan Fam, "Attributes of Likeable Television Commercials in Asia"
MKT03-05-0   Kin Keung Lai and John Wai Keung Leung, "A Simulation Study on Yard Crane Deployment Operations"
MKT03-06-0   John Wai Keung Leung and Kin Keung Lai, "Analysis of Strategies for Installing Parallel Stations in Assembly Systems"
MKT03-07-0   C. S. Tseng and M. J. Foster, "A flexible response to Guo Qing: Experience of three MNCs entering restricted sectors of the PRC economy"
MKT03-08-0   Kim-Shyan Fam and David S. Waller, "Advertising in the Asia Pacific: What Makes Controversial Products Offensive?"
MKT03-09-0   Yanni Yan, "An examination of organizational effectiveness: the impacts of human capital development, management flexibility and organizational improvisation on performance"
MKT03-10-0   Fanny S. L. Cheung, Hafiz Mirza and Wing-fai Leung, "Market Entry Strategies of Transnational Advertising Agencies in China"
MKT03-11-0   Fanny S. L. Cheung, Hafiz Mirza and Wing-fai Leung, "Why Do Transnational Advertising Agencies Enter China ?"
MKT03-12-0   Yanni Yan and Daniel Z. Ding, "Firm-specific Advantages, Organization Control and Firm Performance: A study of resource competitiveness in high technology firms"
Serial Number   Author(s) and Title
MKT02-01-0   Janet Y. Murray, Masaaki Kotabe, and Joe Nan Zhou, "Performance Implications of Global Sourcing Strategy in Mainland China: An Empirical Study of Foreign-Funded Enterprises from the Triad Regions"
MKT02-02-0   Yanni Yan, "Strategy, Management and Performance: An Empirical Analysis of Hotel Management"
MKT02-03-0   Yanni Yan, "The Internalization of Organizational Commitment: Learning Perspectives in International Joint Ventures"
MKT02-04-0   Shaomin Li and Seung Ho Park, "The Great Leap Forward: The Transition from Relation-Based to Rule-Based Governance"
MKT02-05-0   Yanni Yan, "Configuration analysis of technological resources and capabilities for foreign-invested enterprises in China: The role of organizational networks"
MKT02-06-0   Chung-Ming Lau, David K. Tse and Nan Zhou, "The Effects of Institutional Forces and Organizational Culture on Change Schemas, Firm Commitment and Job Satisfaction in a Transitional Economy"
MKT02-07-0   Yanni Yan, "Management Factors and Performance: The Case of Hotels"
MKT02-08-0   Peter J. Buckley and C. S. Tseng, "Foreign Direct Investment by PRC Enterprises - The Success and Failure of First-Time Investors Abroad"
MKT02-09-0   Peter J. Buckley and C. S. Tseng, "Foreign Market Entry Behaviour of PRC Multinationals"
MKT02-10-0   Guijun Zhuang and Nan Zhou, "The Relationship between Power and Dependence in Marketing Channels: A Chinese Perspective"
MKT02-11-0   Nan Zhou and Russell W. Belk, "Negotiating Chinese Identities Through Readings of Global and Local Advertising Appeals"
MKT02-12-0   Kenneth S. Law, David K. Tse, and Nan Zhou, "Does human resource management matter in a transitional economy? ?China as an example"
MKT02-13-0   Ming Ouyang, Hongxia Zhang and Nan Zhou, "Does Nationalist Appeal Affect Chinese University Students?Product Evaluation? A Conjoint Analysis"
MKT02-14-0   Janet Y. Murray, Masaaki Kotabe and Nan Zhou, "Strategic Alliance-Based Sourcing: Evidence from Foreign-Funded Enterprises in China"
MKT02-15-0   Zhilin Yang, Minjoon Jun and Robin T. Peterson, "Measuring Customer Perceived Online Service Quality: Scale Development And Managerial Implications"
MKT02-16-0   Yanni Yan, "Applications of Human Resource Management, Institutional Roles and Culture Influences on Hotel Firms"
MKT02-17-0   Zhilin Yang and Robin T. Peterson, "Customer E-Loyalty: Do Switching Costs Matter?"
MKT02-18-0   Yanni Yan, "The Interrelationship between Market Institutions and Corporate Internalization: Performance of High Technology Firms"
Serial Number   Author(s) and Title
MKT01-01-0   Yanni Yan, "Content and Contextual Factors on Internalization of Companies' Investments: Learning Perspective in Sino-British Joint Ventures"
MKT01-02-0   Nan Zhou, Dongsheng Zhou and Ming Ouyang, "Long-Term Effects of Advertising on Sales of Consumer Durables and Non-Durables: The Case of China" submitted to Journal of Business Research.
MKT01-03-0   Yanni Yan and Jing A. Zhang, "Contextual Analysis on Technological Development Between Domestic and International Companies in China: Ownership-based Learning"
MKT01-04-0   John Child and Yanni Yan, "Predicting the Performance of International Joint Ventures: An Investigation in China"
MKT01-05-0   Fuan Li, Nan Zhou, J. A. F. Nicholls, Guijun Zhuang and Carl Kranendonk, "Inscrutable or Manifest? - A Comparative Study of Chinese and American Mall Shoppers' Behavior"
MKT01-06-0   Yanni Yan and Jing A Zhang, "A Contextual Analysis of Technology Development and Performance: The Cases of International Joint Ventures and State-owned Enterprises in China"
MKT01-07-0   David K Tse, Chi Kin (Bennett) Yim, Joe N Zhou and Jonathan Zhu, "Understanding Consumer Sentiment in China"
MKT01-08-0   Zhilin Yang, "Consumers' Perception of e-Service Quality: From Internet Purchaser and Non-Purchaser Perspectives"
MKT01-09-0   Zhilin Yang, "Services Quality Dimensions of Internet Retailing: An Exploratory Analysis"
MKT01-10-0   莊貴軍、周南、李福安,《購物中心顧客行為的跨國比較》。
MKT01-11-0   Lan Ge and Daniel Z Ding, "Market Orientation, Competitive Strategy and Corporate Performance: Some Chinese Evidence", prepared for the Doctoral Consortium of the 2001 Annual Meeting of Academy of International Business, Sydney, Nov. 16, 2001.
Serial Number   Author(s) and Title
MKT00-01-0   Guijun Zhuang, Nan Zhou and Neil C. Herndon, "Scale Economies of Department Stores: An Empirical Study in The People's Republic of China".
MKT00-02-0   Yanni Yan, "Control in International Joint Ventures: The Effects of Investors' Resource Commitments on Information Reporting Systems".
MKT00-03-0   Yanni Yan, "The Importance of Investors' Resources in International Joint Venture Decision-Making: The Control Perspective".
MKT00-04-0   Guijun Zhuang, Neil C. Herndon, and Nan Zhou, "The Transforming Structure of Competition in China's Retail Industry".
MKT00-05-0   Shun Yin Lam, "Effects of Weather on Shopping Trip Behavior: Evidence from Store Traffic Analysis".
MKT00-06-0   Yanni Yan and John Child, "Organisational Learning and Decision-making In International Joint Ventures: A Contextual Analysis".
MKT00-07-0   Ming Ouyang, Dongsheng Zhou, and Nan Zhou, "Estimating Marketing Persistence on Sales of Consumer Durables in China", forthcoming in Journal of Business Research.
MKT00-08-0   Daniel Z Ding, Keith Goodall and Malcolm Warner, "The Impact of Economic Reform on The Role of Trade Unions in Chinese Enterprises".
MKT00-09-0   Yanni Yan, "An Analysis of Strategic Determinants in International Joint Ventures: Does Learning Affect Its Decision-Making?"
MKT00-10-0   Ge Lan and Daniel Z. Ding, "Turbulent Environment, Marketing Strategy and Corporate Performance: A Case Study of Township and Village Enterprises in the PRC".
MKT00-11-0   周南,《感覺營銷:從為顧客創造“附加值”到創造“無形價值”》。
MKT00-12-0   Ming Ouyang and Yimin Zhang, "Critical Conditions On When And How Is The Internet Likely To Decrease Price Competition".
MKT00-13-0   Insik Jeong and Dongsheng Zhou, "Antecedents and Consequences of the Strategic Orientations in New Product Development: A Survey of Chinese Manufacturers".
MKT00-14-0   Shun Yin Lam, "The Effect of Price Promotion on Retail Salesforce Effectiveness".
MKT00-15-0   Chung-Ming Lau, David K. Tse and Nan Zhou, "The Effects of Change Schemas, Organizational Culture, and Institutional Forces on Commitment and Satisfaction in a Transitional Economy".
MKT00-16-0   Ming Ouyang, Hongxia Zhang and Nan Zhou, "A Conjoint Analysis of The Effect of Country of Origin on Consumers' Product Evaluation".
MKT00-17-0   Robin Stanley Snell and Choo-sin Tseng, "From Innocence to Experience, From Guanxi to Corruption: Ethical Dilemmas of Relationship Building in China Business".
MKT00-18-0   莊貴軍、周南、李福安、曾仕龍,《購物中心的顧客行為:調查、比較與驗証》。本文將發表于《管理世界》2001年第2期。
MKT00-19-0   Guijun Zhuang, Nan Zhou, and Neil C Herndon, "Scale Economies of Retailing at Store Level: Production Function Approach vs Statistical Cost Approach".
MKT00-20-0   Yanni Yan, "A Comparative Study of Human Resource Management Practices in International Joint Ventures: The Impace of National Origin".
Serial Number   Author(s) and Title
MKT99-01-0   Shaomin Li, Ming Ouyang and Donsheng Zhou, "Modeling Privatization As A Firm Strategy".
MKT99-02-0   Yigang Pan and Shaomin Li, "Performance of Market Followers in the International Market".
MKT99-03-0   Shaomin Li, "Location Choice of Foreign Firms in China: An Institutional Approach".
MKT99-04-0   Shaomin Li and Dongsheng Zhou, "Institutional Change and Ownership Choice in China".
MKT99-05-0   Ming Ouyang, Dongsheng Zhou and Nan Zhou, "Twenty Years of Research on Marketing in China: A Review and Assessment of Journal Publications", forthcoming in Journal of Global Marketing.
MKT99-06-0   周南、Russel W. Belk (白樂壽)與蔣青云,《中國出口廣告研究:1979-1988------兼談中國企業出口營銷的發展及弱點》。
MKT99-07-0   Shun Yin Lam, "Visual Attention To Labels And Logos On Packages: An Eye Fixation Analysis".
MKT99-08-0   Ming Ouyang, Dongsheng Zhou and Nan Zhou, "Estimating Marketing Persistence on Sales of Consumer Durables in China".
MKT99-09-0   David K. Tse, Nan Zhou and Jonathan Zhu, "How They Spend Their Money: The Effects of Rising Income on Consumption Patterns in the People's Republic of China".
MKT99-10-0   Chung-Ming Lau, David K. Tse and Nan Zhou, "Institutional Effects on Change Schemas in A Transitional Economy".
MKT99-11-0   Dongsheng Zhou, Shaomin Li and David K. Tse, "The Impact of FDI on The Productivity of Domestic Firms: The Case of China".
MKT99-12-0   Ilan Vertinsky and Dongsheng Zhou, "Product and Process Certification: Systems, Regulations and International Marketing Strategies".
MKT99-13-0   Dominque M. Hanssens and Ming Ouyang, "Modeling Marketing Hysteresis".
MKT99-14-1   Shun Yin Lam, Mark Vandenbosch, John Hulland and Michael Pearce, "Evaluating Promotions in Shopping Environments: Decomposing Sales Response into Attraction, Conversion and Spending Effects".
MKT99-15-0   Shun Yin Lam, "The Effects of Store Environment on Shopping Behaviors: Conceptual Issues, Findings and Methodology".
MKT99-16-0   Shun Yin Lam, "The Left/Right Position Effect on Visual Attention to Print Advertisements".
MKT99-17-0   Tom Au, Shaomin Li and Guangqin Ma, "Predicting Customer Attrition With Nonlinear Combinations of Causes".
Serial Number   Author(s) and Title
MKT98-01-0   Shaomin Li, Mingfang Li and J. Justin Tan, "Understanding Diversification in A Transition Economy: A Theoretical Exploration," published in Journal of Applied Management Studies, 1998 (June), Vol. 7, No. 1, 77-94.
MKT98-02-0   Shun Yin Lam, Mark Vandenbosch and Michael Pearce, "Retail Sales Force Scheduling Based on Store Traffic Forecasting".
MKT98-03-0   Dongsheng Zhou, "The Dynamics of Cost Reduction Strategies".
MKT98-04-0   Daniel Z. Ding and Malcolm Warner, "Re-inventing China's Labour-Management System (1978-1997): The End of the 'Three Old Irons'?"
MKT98-05-0   David W. Chan, Hing-chu B. Lee and Chung-leung Luk, "Developing A Chinese Vocabulary Test As A WAIS-R Subtest For Adults In Hong Kong", forthcoming in Journal of Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development .
MKT98-06-0   Daniel Z. Ding, "Technology Transfer in PRC: The Experience of Japanese Manufacturing Ventures".
MKT98-07-2   Kenneth S. Law, David K. Tse and Nan Zhou, "Does Human Resource Management Matter In A Transitional Economy? - China As An Example".
MKT98-08-0   Alex Sze-lung Tsang, "Military Doctrine and Crisis Management: Command, Control, Communication and Intelligence (C 3 I) in Vitasoy Contamination Incident".
MKT98-09-0   Ming Ouyang, "The Persistence of Marketing Effects on Sales: A Mathematical Interpretation of Dekimpe and Hanssens' Method".
MKT98-10-0   Buckley Peter and C S Tseng, "Strategic International Human Resource Management of Chinese Multinationals".
MKT98-11-0   Jenny S Y Lee, Damon L Drummond and C S Tseng, "Chinese Human Resource Management Reviewing Japanese and Chinese Joint Ventures Retail Department Stores of Southern China".
MKT98-12-0   Shun Yin Lam, John Hulland, Mark Vandenbosch and Michael Pearce, "Monitoring Store Performance through the Partitioning of Sales Response to Marketing Activities into Attraction and Conversion Effects".
MKT98-13-0   Seung Ho Park and Dongsheng Zhou, "Why Compete for Market Share?"
MKT98-14-0   Dongsheng Zhou, "Can Government Negotiations Make Their Countries Better Off?"
MKT98-15-0   Dongsheng Zhou, "Optimal Pricing Strategies for Complementary Goods".
MKT98-16-0   Ming Ouyang, Dongsheng Zhou and Nan Zhou, "Marketing Persistence: A New Approach to Studying Sales of Consumer Durables in China".
MKT98-17-0   Shaomin Li and David K. Tse, "The "Visible" and "Invisible" Hands on Firm Performance in China: An Institutional Approach".
MKT98-18-0   Shaomin Li, Edward Tu and Ming Ouyang, "A Model Of Intermarriage Involving Attribute Exchange".
Serial Number   Author(s) and Title
MKT97-01-0   Yigang Pan and David K. Tse, "Cooperative Strategies between Non-resident Firms in An Overseas Country", published in Journal of International Business Studies, vol. 27 (5), 1996, p. 929-946.
MKT97-02-0   David K. Tse, Yigang Pan and Kevin Y. Au, "How MNCs Choose Entry Modes and Form Alliances: The China Experience", forthcoming in Journal of International Business Studies.
MKT97-03-0   Daniel Z. Ding, "Control, Conflicts and Performance - A Case of U.S.-Chinese Joint Ventures", forthcoming in Journal of International Marketing.
MKT97-04-0   Shaomin Li, "Success in China's Industrial Market: Factors Influencing Profitability", published in Journal of International Marketing, 1998, Vol. 6, No. 1, 56-80.
MKT97-05-0   Nan Zhou, Oliver H. M. Yau and Liqiong Lin, "For Love or Money: A Longitudinal Content Analysis of Chinese Personal Advertisements, 1984-1995", published in Journal of Current Issues and Research in Advertising, Vol. 19, No. 2 (Fall), 65-77.
MKT97-06-0   Nan Zhou and Linming Meng, "Marketing in An Emerging Consumer Society: Character Images in China's Consumer Magazine Advertising", published in Asia Pacific Business Review, Vol. 3, No. 3 (Spring), 105-117.
MKT97-07-0   Insik Jeong and Sharon O'Donnell, "Marketing Standardization Within Global Industries: An Empirical Study of Performance Implications"
MKT97-08-0   Dongsheng Zhou and Ilan Vertinsky, "Trade Restrictions in a Vertically Differentiated Industry"
MKT97-09-0   Dongsheng Zhou and Ilan Vertinsky, "Quality Differentiation in a Strategic Trade Model with Fixed Costs"
MKT97-10-0   Yigang Pan and David K. Tse, "Boundary Conditions between Pairs of Market Entry Modes: The Role of Host Country, Home Country and Industry Factors"
MKT97-11-0   Yigang Pan, Shaomin Li and David K. Tse, "Performance of Foreign Enterprises in China: The Impact of Order and Mode of Market Entry", forthcoming in Journal of International Business Studies.
MKT97-12-0   Robin Stanley Snell and Choo-sin Tseng, "Doing Business in China Are There Special Ethical Problems?"
MKT97-13-0   Ilan Vertinsky and Dongsheng Zhou, "The Economics of Certifying the Environmental Friendliness of Products"
MKT97-14-0   Dongsheng Zhou and Ilan Vertinsky, "Strategic Location Decisions in a Growing Market"
MKT97-15-0   Edward Jow-Ching Tu and Shaomin Li, "Interregime Marriage and Mobility: The Case of Mainland China and Taiwan", forthcoming in Journal of Contemporary China.
MKT97-16-0   Shaomin Li and Edward Jow-Ching Tu, "Intrinsic and Extrinsic Attributes in Marriage"
MKT97-17-0   Seung Ho Park, Shaomin Li and David Tse, "Determinants of Firm Performance in a Transition Economy: Institutional VS. Economic Effects in China"
MKT97-18-0   Shaomin Li, Shuhe Li and Weiying Zhang, "Competition and Institutional Change: Privatization in China"
MKT97-19-0   Shaomin Li and David K. Tse, "Do Market Forces Matter in A Transition Economy? Effects of Economic Factors and Government Intervention on Firm Performance in China"
MKT97-20-0   Shaomin Li, "From "Socialism VS. Capitalism" To "Public VS. Private": Institutional Change and Firm Performance in China," published in A. Nathan, Z. Hong, and S. Smith (Eds), Dilemmas of Economic Reform in China, Boulder Colorado: Lynner Renner Publishers, 1999.
MKT97-21-0   Ming Ouyang, "An Explicit Functional Expression on Trade Hysteresis"
MKT97-22-0   Dean Tjosvold, Chun Hui, Daniel Ding and Junchen Hu, "Conflict Values and Team Relationships: Conflict's Contribution to Team Effectiveness and Citizenship in China"
MKT97-23-0   H L Chan, Anthony Ko, Eddie Yu, "Confucianism and Management"
MKT97-24-0   H L Chan, "Managing Political Risks in the PRC"