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Research Strength | Quest for Excellence | Unit for Chinese Management Development | Conferences & Seminars | Selected Publications | Current Research Projects | Working Papers | Case Series

The Influence of Religion on the Attitudes Towards the Advertising of Controversial Products 10/8/2002
A Model for Services Marketing Based on Their Characteristics 11/5/2002
Banking loyalty by small to medium businesses: A pilot study of the Hong Kong market 11/19/2002
Flexibility approach to "Quo Qing" - the experience of three western multinationals operating in the restricted/prohibited industries in China 12/3/2002
Are Older Consumers and Younger Consumers Different? A Study of Brand Choices in China 12/19/2002
Talk on Evaluation on the Antecedents of Service competitiveness: the case of Chinese commercial banking industry 3/6/2003
Talk on Political Reform in China 3/7/2003
Transnational Operation of Chinese Enterprises 3/12/2003
HRM in China & Preparation for career in China 3/19/2003
Developing a Scale for Stakeholder Orientation 6/17/2003
Internationalization of Smaller Chinese Firms 10/24/2003
The Emergence of Chinese Multinationals in Millennium Economies: The Strategic Implications for Business Leaders 11/27/2003
Customer Perceived Value, Satisfaction, and Loyalty: The Role of Switching Costs 12/2/2003
Firm-specific Advantages, Organizational Control and Firm Performance: A study of resource competitiveness in high technology firms 12/4/2003
Research Methodology:Electronic and Non-Electronic Modes of Survey Data Collection: Sample Comparability, Response, and Data Quality 5/14/2004
Research Methodology:Electronic and Non-Electronic Modes of Survey Data Collection: Sample Comparability, Response, and Data Quality 5/18/2004
Advertising Products from Developing Countries in the American Market: Effects of Brand Name, Spokesperson, and Country of Origin Information 6/10/2004
"I am loving' it!" : Generational Differences in Television Viewing Patterns for Generation X Chinese Consumers 7/6/2004
Student Relationship Management 9/14/2004
How Subordinates' Moral Intensity Influences Their Boss: A Cross-cultural Study with Taiwaneses, Koreans, and Indians 9/17/2004
Harmony Orientation: Conceptualization and Scale Development 10/19/2004
Conceptualizing and Measuring Corporate Performance: A Perspective from Relationship Marketing and Stakeholder Theory 3/11/2005
Unbundling the inter-organizational governance system: A longitudinal study of monitoring, social contracts, and opportunism 4/4/2005
An Evolutionary Basis for the Value Function 4/11/2005
Brands as Mens for Achieving Consumer Goals-A New Perspective on Branding and Memory-Based Choice 9/6/2005
The Role of the Customer Expectation : When Does Service Recovery Paradox Happen? 9/26/2005
Openness and Institutional Changes 10/6/2005
Why Does a Consumer Participate in the Co-creation? A Theoretical & Empirical Study on Consumer Creativity 10/18/2005
中國營銷學科發展現狀分析 10/21/2005
Consumption Attitudes and Adoption of New Consumer Products : A Contingency Approach 10/25/2005
Desserts, Pretty Women, And Consumption Impulsivity 10/28/2005
Who do you want to be like - Foreign or local endorser? An investigation into Its effect in emerging economies: An Integrated Perspective 11/1/2005
Implementing Futurism in Independent Hotel and Motel Service 12/19/2005